ATTENTION!!! We will be closed December 23rd through December 26th!!!
ATTENTION!!! We will be closed December 23rd through December 26th!!!
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0-25lbs - $180
25-50lbs - $225
50-100lbs - $295
100+lbs - $385
Spay pricing includes procedure, anesthesia, IV catheter placement, pain med injection and pain management to go home. Cats will get a transdermal pain management.
Pyometras are not included in normal spay pricing.
Normal spay pricing also excludes extremely overweight patients or patients who have underlying health issues that pose additional risk.
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0-25lbs - $175
25-50lbs - $215
50-100lbs - $260
100+lbs - $ 315
Neuter pricing includes procedure, anesthesia, IV catheter placement, pain med injection and pain management to go home. Cats will get a transdermal pain management.
Crypt-orchidectomy's are not included in normal neuter pricing.
Normal neuter pricing also excludes extremely overweight patients or patients who have underlying health issues that pose additional risk.
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Paws & Claws Veterinary Clinic
Paws & Claws Veterinary Clinic 2721 W. 120th Ave. A-100 Westminster, CO 80234 US
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